黄いろい花Ⅱ Yellow flowersⅡ
蓮と杜若 Lotus and Iris Japonica
夜を視る 夜を聴く Look at the Night Listen to the Night
時を待つひと・本を読むひと A Man Reading a Book・A Couple Waiting for Time
さくら咲く Cherry Blossoms B loom
ありふれた季節 Ⅱ Just Another SeasonⅡ
黄いろい花Ⅰ Yellow flowersⅠ
ありふれた季節 Ⅲ Just Another SeasonⅢ
ありふれた季節 Ⅰ Just Another SeasonⅠ
木かげ Shade of a Tree
繁みのなかへ Into The Thicket
道 The Road
蔓草 Creeper
秋の雫 Autumn Drops
蓮と聯 Lotus and Len
聯と蓮 ”Ren” and Lotus
白椿 Ⅰ White Camellia Ⅰ
夜を視る 夜を聴く Look at the Night Listen to the Night
凱風—くろ Southerly Wind-Black
凱風—しろ(右隻) Southerly Wind-White
凱風—しろ(左隻) Southerly Wind-White
秋雨 Autumn Rain
凱風—しろ Southerly Wind-White